I Know you want it. How about you buy it?

Tag : Asia

Thean Hou Temple-20

Thean Hou Temple

The plan was simple, in click click and I’m out. Previous night, Alarm clock: Check Gear: Check, Clothes: Whatever the hand picks in the morning we good to go. Alarm goes off. Waking up mother nature decides to grace us with some rain. Not good. The reason I was waking up early is, there’s this thing with tourist locations having many people and that’s is a photo no no for me. Plans ruined but I had to go with it. […]

Singapore Streets

Unfarmiliar faces In Unfarmiliar places

Are we blind to life’s moment happening around us? Everyone is experiencing moments colored by their judgments, expectations and desires. Get out, walk. You must not always have a destination. Makes things interesting. There’s always something happening in every direction. Is Chaos constant in every city? Are we all the same monkeys in different concrete jungles? Being an introvert and a shy person and doesn’t make street photography my cup of coffee. But i do enjoy getting out of the comfort […]